Our Services

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Our team are all accredited NDIS SDA Assessors and are able to carry out assessment & accreditation services

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Many councils require an Access Report to be included within the development application package. We are here to assist you to navigate the complex process and work out just what you need to do

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We have a good working knowledge of Universal Design principles and can help you incorporate these within your design.

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Providing performance solution reports to demonstrate compliance against the relevant performance requirements of the BCA.

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We can assist you with developing your organisations Disability Action Plan to demonstrate your commitment to providing a truly accessible environment.

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We can carry out assessments of adult changing rooms and can accredit your Changing Places facility.

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We have experience of applying State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) to developments and are here to undertake reviews, prepare DA reports and Compliance sign offs..

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We are experienced in applying the various state planning requirements with respect to Adaptable Housing provisions and can provide assessment and compliance reports in this regard.

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We can carry out assessments of your project against the Livable Housing Design Guidelines and have Accredited LHA Assessors to provide any necessary Accreditation when you require it.

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We can undertake site inspections to provide compliance advice during the construction of your project to assist you with meeting your obligations under the National Construction Code Building Code of Australia

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Undertake audits of existing premises, transport facilities and public realm areas to identify any areas that may require to be upgraded to meet current legislation. We can make recommendations including best practice to mitigate risk of a complaint against the Disability Discrimination Act.

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We undertake design reviews against technical codes including the Disability (Access to Premises- Buildings) Standards), Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport, Disability Standards for Education, the National Construction Code Building Code of Australia, referenced Australian Standards, relevant state legislation as well as enhanced accessibility design and Universal Design features.